Encyclopedia of benefits, governance, preaching, adverbs, and the virtues of business. (No ads)
The application of the good word contains a scientific encyclopedia of more than twenty thousand articles of interest, governance, sermons, sayings, adverbs, prophetic traditions, sacred and Quranic meditations, all in a small size not exceeding seven megabytes only.
Basic Application Sections:
- Encyclopedia of benefits and governance: contains thousands of government, sermons, benefits, words and Quranic reflections (taken from the World Organization for Management).
- Encyclopaedia of Supplications and Al-Adhaar: Contains hundreds of Quranic and Prophetic supplications, adha'at al-salaf and mnajajat and praise to Allaah, as well as a Wafi guide for the adhkaar.
- Jurisprudence of the word and virtues of business: true Ahadith sacred (Sheikh Mustafa Al-Adawi) and Riyad righteous book and the book of science and governance and the virtues of business.
- Articles of faith: Explanation of the names of God the most beautiful, the pillars of faith, the origins of access to God, medicine hearts.
This application is issued by the site of the good word.
The site of the good word on the approach of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah and obtained a recommendation from the website of the Islamic network (one of the largest and most reliable Islamic sites)
Content additions and general improvements
General improvements
Content updates
Technical improvements and fixes
Content updates
Technical improvements and fixes
Fix issue caused the App to stop working on some android versions.
App search engine enhancements.
A comprehensive update of the application that contained many features and radical improvements, including the feature of searching content, knowing browsing history, creating advocacy designs and many more.
Addition of night reading feature
Version domains : 2.6.1
update content and some fixes and improvements.
Version: 2.6
update content and add a large number of sections.
Version: 2.5
Adding a number of new sections in the judgment and articles.
Version: 2.4
Added the section of the sayings of contemporary scholars and preachers.
Version: 2.3
General improvements and arrangement of some sections.
Version: 2.2
Added a new section for the articles of faith.
Version: 2.0
comprehensive update design for the app.
Add new content.
Adding a daily alert entitled "Qutuf from Kind Words" that contains hadith, wisdom or supplication.
Version: 2.6
Update content and add a large number of sections.
Version: 2.5
Adding a number of new sections in the judgment and articles.
Version: 2.4
Added the section of the sayings of contemporary scholars and preachers.
Version: 2.3
General improvements and arrangement of some sections.
Version: 2.2
Added a new section for the articles of faith.
Version: 2.0.3
Some bugs and general improvements.
Version: 2.0
Thorough update design for the app.
Add new content.
Adding a daily alert entitled "Qutuf from Kind Words" that contains a hadith, wisdom or supplication.
Version: 2.5 Add a number of new sections in the judgment and articles. Version: 2.4 Add section of the sayings of scholars and preachers. Version: 2.3 General improvements and arrangement of some sections. Version: 2.2 Add a new section to your articles. Version: 2.0.3 Address some problems and general improvements. Version: 2.0 Comprehensive update for application design. Add new content. Add a daily alert entitled "Qatuf of the good word" contains a talk or wisdom or prayer.